Full Mouth Dental Implants - Tennessee

Smile Restoration
at Its Finest

patient smiling brightly after their dental treatment

A Brand-New Smile

The loss of teeth can be a painful and uncomfortable experience. Not only does it restrict your ability to eat certain foods, but it can also lead to embarrassing social situations and cause individuals to shy away from photographs. Physical discomfort is just one aspect, as the emotional impact of missing teeth can take a toll on one’s self-esteem and confidence. Fortunately, there is a modern solution to this problem – full-mouth dental implants. This innovative treatment option provides a natural-looking and durable replacement for missing teeth, allowing individuals to enjoy a restored sense of confidence and oral function!

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patient smiling brightly after their dental treatment
Dental Implants: The Ultimate Confidence Game-Changer

Fixed vs. Removable Solutions

When dealing with failing teeth, dentures may seem like the most practical solution. However, compared to modern options, they have become an outdated option. Dentures can be quickly made and used, but they require adhesives to remain in place, which can be inconvenient and messy when they become loose or fall out. Dentures also aren’t anchored in the jawbone, leading to bone loss and a sunken facial appearance. Fortunately, if you’re seeking a more permanent solution to restore your smile, our full-mouth dental implants provide a modern alternative.

Full-mouth dental implants are designed to preserve jawbone quality and bone density as they’re securely anchored into the jawbone. You can enjoy a natural look and function, without worrying about the implants shifting, falling out, or moving throughout the day. While full arch dental implants are initially more expensive due to the surgery requirements, we offer affordable payment options that are competitively priced to fit your budget. Therefore, you can have a brand-new smile with full-mouth dental implants and experience their benefits without the worry of the cost!

Your Smile Journey

patient and doctor going over consultation information


We’ll begin your smile journey with full arch dental implants with a comprehensive consultation. This consultation will cover your dental concerns, goals, and a full oral exam. We’ll also obtain digital imaging and X-rays. This consultation alone is arguably one of the most important steps in the full-mouth dental implant procedure plan as it completes the treatment plan needed to perform your procedure. Once this is completed, Dr. Winn can begin surgery.

patient undergoing dental scan for dental treatment

Procedure Day

When it comes time for your full-mouth dental implant procedure day, we’ll administer your preferred sedation method to ensure your comfort and begin. Dr. Winn will place four to six dental implants utilizing our All-on-4 to six protocol. Our full-mouth dental implants are placed with the utmost accuracy and precision with our advanced technology, which encompasses your treatment plan. Once the implants are placed, we’ll attach a temporary restoration so you can immediately indulge in all the benefits that come with your new set of teeth.

patient smiling brightly with doctor showing mirror within the dental center

Final Restoration

Over the next three to six months, your mouth will heal through a process called Osseointegration. This is where your dental implants will integrate with your bone, creating that stable foundation dental implants are known for. Once healed, Dr. Winn will place your final restoration. Once this is placed, you can enjoy a complete, healthy, and dazzling smile for decades to come!

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Top 5 Mistakes People
Make With Dental Implants

Do you have all the information you need to make the right decisions about dental implants? Don’t make any of these five common mistakes. Our exclusive checklist will steer you in the right direction.

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full mouth dental implant patient smiling

The Full Arch Dental Implants Advantage

  • Increased comfort and convenience when speaking and eating
  • Enhanced self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Long-term durability and reliability
  • Maintenance of facial structure and appearance
  • Restoration of natural biting force and function
  • Elimination of discomfort and inconvenience associated with dentures
  • Reduced risk of tooth decay and gum disease
  • Improved overall quality of life for patients.